Our strong sense of social responsibility has been directed at education, training & empowerment.
In the Fall 2014, we set up a training center focusing at providing unskilled individuals a chance of learning a technical skill & earning a healthy lively hood. The training center housed in our facility trains individuals to become successful production workers. Once enrolled as trainees a stipend is paid to the trainee & on completion of the training employed on our production lines. Our training center has also been registered & recognized by the Sindh Government.

In 2002, in collaboration with The Citizens Foundation, we opened a schooled in Vinder, Balochistan. Vinder in 2001 was our research & collection center for our organic cotton fields. The school continues to thrive today & provides education to about 400 students of the community, boys & girls till grade 11.

Our next step & target for Fall 2015 is to create leadership opportunities for women production workers & train them to convert one production floor with 2-3 production lines in a fully women run & managed production floor. This is the beginning. This will further enhance a new chapter & facilitate our training endeavour to creating challenging & exciting positions for females in our communities.